About 5 years ago I did some millinery classes. The lady who ran the classes was very talented and had been making hats for many years. The hat above was the first one I made. The flower I made from silk ribbon.

I didn't learn smocking when I was as school and it was something I always wanted to learn. My first 2 children were sons, so it was a wasn't till after I had my daughter I had someone to make smocked dresses for. I kind of got addicted to smocking. lol My daughter had smocked dresses for every occasion! I only stopped making them when she declared she was getting too old for smocking!!
Here are a few of my daughter's dresses from when she was young.

The only smocking I do now is the occasional night gown for a new born baby. I hope, one day, I have a grand daughter to make smocked dresses for!
By far the most difficult thing I have every tried to make is a tutu! My daughter took dancing classes for many years and I made many costumes for her. Leotards were pretty simple to make. After years of gymnastics classes for all my children I could almost make a leotard with my eyes closed! lol I tried to make tutus several times. It was like wrestling a rhinoceros!!!!! I did manage a half tutu, with not many layers of netting, once. We ended up buying her tutus and I decorated them. I love sewing on lace, sequins and beads.