Over the last 2 or 3 weeks I have had very little time for sewing or blogging. I have been busy with other things. This weekend I am making up for lost time! Lots of sewing and preparation has been happening here over the last 2 days . :) I have pulled out several projects and lots of fabric.
The Morrell block above is my latest finish. Yesterday and Friday I prepared the next 6 Morrell blocks. Now I have plenty to keep me occupied for the next little while.
I also finished off block 3 of Tail Feathers (below) and prepared block 4.
I hope to get at least one flower made for One Flower Wednesday by Wednesday.
Later today I hope to prepare another few blocks for Jacobs Coat.
A couple of weeks ago I entered a giveaway on the
Minick and Simpson blog. They were giving away scraps (their words!!) from their latest range of fabrics called Charlevoix. I was lucky enough to be chosen as one of the winners. :)
Below is the huge bag of fabric they sent, along with one of their patterns they also included.
Thank you Laurie!!!
Well, last night I started to think about what I might make with all that fabric. I had ideas about something with lots of triangles. I pulled out a book of block patterns (The Quilter's Block Bible) that had been given to me by a friend. I wanted to chose a block that was designed in an era that matched the fabrics (The information on the selvedge says 1910 - 1935) There were lots of blocks to chose from and I made a long list. Several of the blocks had lots of triangles and looked good. I kept looking through the book and the second last design was a dresden plate. I have never made a dresden plate block before. I am not one to back away from something new, so I changed my mind about triangles and decided on a dresden plate block design.
Below is what I came up with. I was sewing till one o'clock this morning (I just had to get one finished!), so it is not perfect, but I am happy with how it turned out.
Isn't the fabric gorgeous!
There is so much fabric in that bag that I will still be able to make something with triangles too.
Stay tuned.
Here are a couple of photos from one of the places we visited this week. The views were wonderful even though the weather was cold and windy.
Just a couple of spring flowers in my garden.

Rhododendron Bibiani.
I hope to be back reading and commenting on blogs this week, but now it is back to sewing for me!! :)